Ph.D. in Social policies and local development (University of Teramo)
Degree in Foreign Literatures and Languages Magna cum Laude (University of L'Aquila and University of Miami)
Graduate diploma in Anthropological Studies (University of Rome "Sapienza")


Rita Salvatore聽is a Senior researcher with more than 20 years of experience in rural development.聽聽聽She has been doing research on the role of tourism within Italian protected areas and rural contexts, with special attention to regional products and food.聽聽聽聽She has developed a particular interest in the analysis and social planning of sustainable tourism paths, with a particular focus on participative processes and community development. Her most recent research project concerns 鈥渘ew generation agritourism鈥 and the requalification of abandoned villages in fragile areas by young entrepreneurs.聽

She also teaches 鈥淔ood & Wine Tourism and Development鈥 at the University of Teramo.聽聽She was a visiting researcher and lecturer at the ITW (Institut f眉r Tourismuswirtschaft) of the University of Applied Arts and Sciences of Luzern (Switzerland).聽聽She is a member of the steering committee of the IRENA (International Research Network on Agritourism), spokesperson of Slow Food Abruzzo Region and President of the Slow Food Convivium of L鈥橝quila, Italy.聽聽

Latest publications

2021, 芦From heritage places to ecotourist destinations: processes and strategy to manage social change禄 in Bortoletto N., (ed.),聽ADRION, Charter routes from antiquity to modern times,听听UniZadar-UniTeramo-HB edition, Zadar-Teramo.

2021, 芦Sustainable tourism, young entrepreneurship and social innovation in peripheral rural areas:聽case studies from Southern Italy禄 in Rui Marques (ed.)聽The Impact of Tourist Activities on Low-Density Territories: Evaluation Frameworks, Lessons, and Policy Recommendations.聽厂辫谤颈苍驳别谤听

2020, 鈥淐BT in Rural Peripheral Areas: An Italian Case Study of Territorial Engagement and Requalification禄 in聽The Routledge Handbook of Community Based Tourism Management Concepts, Issues & Implications

2020,聽芦Wine Routes and Sustainable Social Organization within Local Tourist Supply: Case Studies of Two Italian Regions禄,聽厂耻蝉迟补颈苍补产颈濒颈迟测,听12, 9388

2019, 芦Collaborative Processes and Collective Impact in Tourist Rural Villages鈥擨nsights from a Comparative Analysis between Argentinian and Italian Cases禄,聽Sustainability, 11(2), 432

2018, 芦Tourism Transition in Rural Peripheral Areas: Theories, Issues and Strategies禄, in聽Annals of Tourism Research聽68 (2018): 41-51聽

2018,听Non pi霉 e non ancora. Le aree fragili tra conservazione ambientale, cambiamento sociale e sviluppo turistico,FrancoAngeli, Roma聽

2017, 芦Ecopreneurs, rural development and alternative socio-technical arrangements for community renewable energy禄,聽Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 52, May 2017, Pages 33鈥41

2012, 芦Sustainable tourism and local social development: a sociological reassessment of the link禄,聽Sociologica, 2