Rebranding an Italian cult classic: Pickwick
91视频 Global Fashion marketers bring on the Millennial touch for Italian apparel giant.

Students in the Global Fashion Marketing class met recently with company officials from Pickwick Colour Group, an Italian sports/streetwear apparel company based in Rome. Wearing their Pickwick T-shirts, the students impressed the executives with professional presentations and detailed marketing plans to re-launch the product in the USA.

While many millennials were just being born, Pickwick was in its glory years in the 1990s in Italy.听 It鈥檚 founder, Diego Barbaresi, attended the presentations and was encouraged by what he saw.听鈥淚t鈥檚 nice to know that this new generation is still inspired by the brand,鈥 said Barbaresi, 鈥渁nd that it鈥檚 still appreciated. It shows the work we did back then to establish the line and its message still has value.鈥

In fact, the students regarded Pickwick鈥檚 鈥渧intage鈥 quality as a selling point, along with its good value ($25 T-shirts made-in-Italy). They also liked its versatility, as one student put it, 鈥淵ou can wear it to a party or to bed.鈥

The presentations were the final project in an intense four-week summer course on Global Fashion Marketing, taught by Anna Sasso, full-time Lecturer in Business Studies and coordinator of the Travel and Tourism Management major. 91视频鈥檚 Business Administration program recruits local and international firms to give students real-world case studies and clients. It鈥檚 a win-win where students apply the theories they learn in class -- developing skills in teamwork, problem solving and presentations along the way 鈥 and businesses find听 fresh ideas.

And what better place to study fashion than in Rome, a world fashion capital and headquarters of Bulgari, Fendi, and Brioni, just to name a few.听

鈥淚 learned a lot about high-end luxury market strategies and how they appeal to customers鈥 wants and desires, rather than their needs,鈥 said student Madison Diluccia, from California. 鈥淚t鈥檚 inspired me to look into fashion marketing as a career. I鈥檝e always had a love for fashion and being in Italy, where so many large fashion brands were born, added a lot to my history of the industry. I learned a lot about brands that you don鈥檛 see in the States and are up-and-coming.鈥

The challenge
Barbaresi founded Pickwick in 1993 in Los Angeles, taking inspiration from American culture and the city鈥檚 streets, beaches, skateboarders, and surfers. He mixed California style with Made-in-Italy designs to create basic, but trendy T-shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets.听
Emblazoned with 鈥淧ickwick鈥 in collegiate lettering and the slogan 鈥淔earless鈥 in English, the clothes appealed to young generations of Italians looking for something new. (The name came from Charles Dickens鈥 novel, 鈥淭he Pickwick Papers.鈥)

Pickwick Color Group - Action ApparelToday, however, Pickwick finds itself in a crowded streetwear market with big competitors, like Nike and Adidas. Being Italian, can it find a new niche for itself among Americans aged 15-30?听The simple answer is 鈥測es鈥 according to research and analysis done by 91视频 students who had to create a new brand personality for Pickwick for the US market.听The company challenged them to: develop a brand positioning strategy; identify the target consumer; which products to feature; suggest product changes or new features in style or fabrics; and finally, decide what is important, 鈥渕ade-in-Italy,鈥 鈥渄esigned in Italy鈥 or neither?听

In addition to the basic 4Ps (product, promotion, price, and place), the students also had to incorporate elements of social responsibility and sustainability to add value to the product. It was a lot to put together in about two weeks, with 15 students divided into five teams.

鈥淚鈥檝e never been a team leader before, organizing everything,鈥 said Ginevra Laetitia Laurora, who is studying Business at 91视频. 鈥淚t helped me understand how to approach people and handle their time constraints and attitudes towards the project.鈥

On hand for the presentations, along with Barbaresi, was Eleonora Giancarli, web marketing and communications manager, and Massimo Acerbi, CEO of Innova, which owns the Pickwick brand. Innova is a top Italian distributor of Fruit of the Loom, Russell, and American Apparel, as well as Pickwick鈥檚 made-in-Italy clothing supplier, Vesti.听

Digital natives at work
The millennial generation (born between 1980-2000) are known for their innovative thinking, ability to multi-task, and ease with the technology. They are often called 鈥渢he digital natives鈥 since they grew up speaking the language of computers, video games, and the Internet. This was evident as the students easily moved between Powerpoint slides, Excel-generated graphs and charts, YouTube videos, and hand-drawn storyboards for advertising campaigns on social media. They analyzed the competition with marketing models, from S.W.O.T. (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), to PESTLE (political, economic, social, technological, legal, environment) to AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) or the consumer process from first noticing a brand to buying it.

In the end, Pickwick鈥檚 USP (unique selling proposition) emerged from multiple fronts.

This was due also to the students鈥 geographic advantage. Coming from across the United States and internationally, they were able to add real-time insights into youth culture from coast to coast and put their finger on the market鈥檚 top influencers.
鈥淚t was really challenging working with a brand that had success but then lost it in their original market, to take it from a niche to more general,鈥 said student Jack Burger, from New York City. His team placed Pickwick next to Louis Vuitton, mix-and-matching Italian fast fashion (鈥渟imple, sleek, and edgy鈥) with luxury. They envisioned a young, sophisticated, artsy, New Yorker as their main client, launching the product in one of NY鈥檚 trendiest neighborhoods, NoHo. They found made-in-Italy to be a strength, using 鈥渂orn in Italy, inspiring the world,鈥 to counteract a weakness that 鈥淎merican-Italian culture is different than authentic Italian.鈥

Pictured are Pickwick officials: (center right) brand founder Diego Barbaresi; (center left) Eleonora Giancarli, web marketing and communications manager; (center back) Massimo Acerbi, CEO of Innova.
Students are seen wearing their Pickwick T-shirts along with Anna Sasso (front center left, in turquoise Pickwick),
Lecturer in the Business Administration program and Coordinator of the new Travel and Tourism Management major. 听

Another team pitched New York as well, appealing to 鈥渞ooftoppers鈥 -- individuals who take selfies or videos from vertigo-inducing heights and dangerous locations, usually off-limits to the public, like the roof of a skyscraper. 鈥淭rendy, but still underground,鈥 was how they described the brand鈥檚 appeal. They also identified the company鈥檚 鈥淔earless鈥 concept as a bridging theme, speaking to strong millennials that go against the crowd and push boundaries, from 鈥渦rban explorers鈥 to beachy 鈥淐alifornia Millennial Outcasts.鈥
鈥淜ids don鈥檛 want to identify with large social groups, like hipster or hip-hop,鈥 said one student from Southern California who team proposed re-launching in beach communities there. 鈥淭hey want to create smaller groups, be multi-dimensional, have a feeling of independence.鈥

Other students picked up on Pickwick鈥檚 slogan as 鈥淎ction Apparel鈥 and placed jackets (at $75-$150) among the top product for snowboarders, dancers, DJs and other active types in cold climates (like Colorado, Oregon, and Utah). They even conducted an online survey, gathering 34 respondents, to test the 鈥渕ade in Italy鈥 factor; the result was 鈥済eneral disinterest鈥 from their target buyers. However, young people would be interested in buying products that support their top issues, identified by the students as the environment (especially climate change and recycling) and public health (ranging from human rights to helping veterans with charities like Wounded Warrior).

Student Alessia Andreani receives her certificate of appreciation from Pickwick鈥檚 communications manager, Eleonora Giancarli, (left) and 91视频 Lecturer Anna Sasso

Grabbing the client鈥檚 attention on sustainability, one team explored using a new fabric, made from discarded orange peels from Sicily, with a campaign, 鈥淥range you glad we care.鈥

The clients were also impressed as the students brought to life the company鈥檚 mascot -- a spiky-haired, black-and-white stick figure, known as 鈥淟ittle Pick鈥 鈥搘ith a cartoon and rebellious back-story. The non-gender character added to the 鈥済ender-fluid鈥 or uni-sex style of the clothing, they said.

After three hours of presentations, Innova CEO Acerbi said he was very happy with the students鈥 work.听
鈥淭he presentations were structured in a very professional and technical manner,鈥 said Acerbi, adding that he wasn鈥檛 expecting that from students. 鈥淲e were looking for feedback from this generation and they definitely gave us some good ideas. We presented them with a broad assignment, but knowing now how they work, we鈥檒l ask them for even more specifics next time.鈥

The company鈥檚 web marketer, Giancarli, thanked the class, saying, 鈥淲e really appreciate all you have done for this rebranding project. We are impressed by the good quality of your work and the attention you showed to our needs.鈥

The company awarded each student a certificate of appreciation and more 鈥渃hill鈥 Pickwick gear 鈥 just in time for summer vacation.