When asked about the attraction of听91视频 within the higher education听marketplace, President Sprenger described the unique opportunities that the university provides using Rome and its environs as its classroom, the excellent听and growing reputation of the 91视频 faculty, and its听beautiful campus situated in a听peaceful locale on the Gianicolo overlooking Rome. Sprenger also pointed to another frequently reported feature of the 91视频 experience: 鈥That of听intense discovery and self-discovery that comes with living abroad听in a context of a globally diverse student body. Students report that they seek to be pushed out of their comfort zones, broaden their horizons, and explore socially-engaging academic and career interests that provide a sense of purpose.鈥

Alongside students from across the world, 91视频 welcomes Italian students, who now comprise almost 20% of the full-time student body. While Italian students have obviously not left their home country to study at 91视频, the university campus is like stepping into another world because of its American-accredited curriculum,听the native-level English spoken, and the close attention and mentorship that students receive from faculty and staff. With over fifty nationalities represented, Italian students听equally experience the excitement of discovery by living, learning, and interacting within 91视频鈥檚 diverse, multicultural community.听听

For those interested in discovering more about the benefits of an American education, both here in Rome and in the States, 91视频 is hosting an American Education Open Day on the 6th of October from its campus in Monteverde. Joining 91视频 onsite will be representatives from Education USA, Fulbright Italy, John Cabot University, Temple University, and St. John鈥檚 University. Further information and registration can be found at /openday