In the spring of 2018, I was fortunate enough to complete an internship at a company in northeast Rome. App to you is an agency that builds apps for businesses and has recently expanded into doing consultancy work in the Digital Marketing, website creation and traditional marketing fields. During my time at App to you, I assisted as an intern in the Digital Marketing sector, specifically with the management of the internal, online social media platforms.

My job was three days a week over the course of a few months and, although difficult, I did manage to balance it with my schoolwork.

I learned an extremely large amount of information about the world of Digital Marketing, SEO and how to increase engagement online. I was in charge of writing bi-weekly articles in the Italian language and working to create as much 鈥渇ree鈥 content as possible.

App to you was one of Italy鈥檚 very first digital startups but has since grown to be much bigger. The wonderful startup culture remains, and this is reflected in the setup of the office space. The business prides itself on its 鈥榦pen space鈥 work environment. We (everyone from the programmers to the HR department) were all seated at one large table with individual computers. This facilitated the overall flow of the work process, and made it really feel like the office was the home of one big, professional family.

I am very grateful to App to you for having hosted my internship and I know that I will be able to carry all of the competencies that I have acquired into all of my future jobs in a very beneficial way.

- Gabriel Wistisen